List of all uboot commands

?       - alias for 'help'
autoscr - run script from memory
base    - print or set address offset
bdinfo  - print Board Info structure
boot    - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
bootd   - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
bootm   - boot application image from memory
bootp   - boot image via network using BootP/TFTP protocol
cmp     - memory compare
coninfo - print console devices and information
cp      - memory copy
crc32   - checksum calculation
decompanima - decompress logo image to the dest position.
dhcp    - invoke DHCP client to obtain IP/boot params
diskboot- boot from IDE device
show    -
echo    - echo args to console
erase   - erase FLASH memory
exit    - exit script
fatinfo - print information about filesystem
fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
fatls   - list files in a directory (default /)
fatstore - store binary file to a dos filesystem
flinfo  - print FLASH memory information
go      - start application at address 'addr'
help    - print online help
icrc32  - checksum calculation
ide     - IDE sub-system
iloop   - infinite loop on address range
imd     - i2c memory display
iminfo  - print header information for application image
imls    - list all images found in flash
imm     - i2c memory modify (auto-incrementing)
ims  - set i2c device context from memory
imw     - memory write (fill)
inm     - memory modify (constant address)
iprobe  - probe to discover valid I2C chip addresses
itest   - return true/false on integer compare
loadb   - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
loads   - load S-Record file over serial line
loop    - infinite loop on address range
memory bit operation :
Format : mbit
md      - memory display
mii     - MII utility commands
mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing)
mmcinit - init mmc card
  mmcinit 0 -- init mmc device 0
  mmcinit 1 -- init mmc device 1
mmcread - read data from SD/MMC card
   -read data from SD/MMC card block address 'block_num' on 'dev_id'
    to memory address 'addr' size is 'bytes'
mmcwrite - write data to SD/MMC card
   -write data to SD/MMC card block address 'block_num' on 'dev_id'
    from memory address 'addr' size is 'bytes'
mtest   - simple RAM test
mw      - memory write (fill)
nandrw  - NAND sub-system
nboot   - boot from NAND device
nfs - boot image via network using NFS protocol
nm      - memory modify (constant address)
ping    - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
poweroff - wmt device power off.
printenv- print environment variables
protect - enable or disable FLASH write protection
randmac - generate a random MAC address and save to "ethaddr" environment variable
rarpboot- boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol
reset   - Perform RESET of the CPU
run     - run commands in an environment variable
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
sdwaitins - wait sd card inserted or removed
sdwaitins 0 -- waiting removed
sdwaitins 1 -- waiting inserted
setenv  - set environment variables
sleep   - delay execution for some time
test    - minimal test like /bin/sh
textout - show text to the screen
textout x y "str" color
color is 24bit Hex, R[23:16], G[15:8], B[7:0]
for example: textout 0 0 \"hello world\" FFFFFF
tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
version - print monitor version

additional info:

WMT # help nandrw
nandrw info  - show available NAND devices
nandrw erase start_block block_numbers - erase blocks skip bad block
nandrw erase all   - erase full blocks except table blocks (last 4 blocks)
nandrw tellme nand - show nand flash info
nandrw tellme bad - show bad blocks from bad block table
nandrw tellme table - show bad block table
nandrw r off addr size - read nand flash from offset 'off' to memory
    address `addr' with skip bad blocks
nandrw w addr off size - write nand flash from memory address 'addr' to nand
    flash offset `off' with skip bad blocks


wmt_scriptcmd editor

I maked a simple editor for wmt_scriptcmd file.
After import the original wmt_scriptcmd file is posible save into another file with .wmt extension.
All files with .wmt extesion are editable and after compilation result a new wmt_scriptcmd file.
This result file is posible to copy directly into your SD card.

link :    (last update on 13/01/2012)

With is posible to save your environment variable from device.
The script will create into the SD card file env.bin.
Open this file with WMTEditor (select env.bin on Open File Dialog).

I added new features:

Now from  your env.bin  is posible to create automatic the wmt_scriptcmd file. At the same time it creates a backup file with  name of your  tablet (ex. : 7inch_std_vt1603.wmt)

This program will help you to identify more easier your tablet !

ATENTION : I tested this program only for 7" tablet!

Greeatings from diabetu and sorry for my english  !
* (0.37 kB - downloaded 63 times.)

UberoidTool: Installing Uberoid was never this easy! [DOWNLOAD]

Hi to all!

This application was created to use for educational purposes with VB 2008 Express.
You can use this application  without any restriction and without any warranty!
Be carefull, use this application at your own risk !

I created a new application to helped to install Uberoid named "UberoidTool" !

News on v1.00 (25-01-2012)
    - In this version settings backup is done directly on the tablet.
    - After installing Uberoid's can make a backup of the file env.bin from sdcard.
    - Env.bin file can be viewed with  wmt_editor!

News on v0.36e:
  - The application is to big because include the Kernel for tablet with power LED Green and Blue.
  - You have now option to select the color of power LED.

News on v0.35e :
  - Is posible now to generate the Uberoid firmware from your backup folder .

News on v0.34e :
- solved the error reported by satcomranger! Thanks

Short description:

Copy this application on "changer.bat" (Uberoid kit) folder and run this.

This application will suggest that you have to he made!

Step 1.
 Prepare your SD Card to make a backup of your tablet environment.
 After selection of SD Card you have the option to format or not selected SD.
 On "Prepare" step application copy into SD a generic script.

 Turn off your tablet and insert a SD. Power on the tablet ! Wait to script running!
 After this remove the SD and insert back into pc.

Step 2.
 In this step make a backup of your tablet environment! Please save the backup folder into safety location!
 On "Transfer" the application copy the Uberoid into SD Card with your original tablet settings!

I wait your feedback!


Backup settings / env_uboot before flash ( FOR UNIVERSAL UBROID

Use any terminal emulator such a ConnectBot to extract these values:

wmtenv get touchcodec (older ROMs use this)
wmtenv get
wmtenv get
wmtenv get wmt.gpt.gsensor
wmtenv get wmt.bus.i2c
wmtenv get wmt.sys.keypad
wmtenv get wmt.display.param
wmtenv get wmt.display.tmr
wmtenv get wmt.display.pwm
wmtenv get
wmtenv get
wmtenv get
wmtenv get wmt.vt160x.bat
wmtenv get

If all options of Uberoid fail, you can mod the env_uboot file now yourself with the proper settings! Just be sure to pick the right kernel (else cam/hibernation will fail)

Or try this script out using ScriptManager or Gscript from the market:

echo "" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "wmt.gpt.gsensor" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get wmt.gpt.gsensor >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "wmt.bus.i2c" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get wmt.bus.i2c >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "wmt.sys.keypad" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get wmt.sys.keypad >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "wmt.display.param" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get wmt.display.param >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "wmt.display.tmr" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get wmt.display.tmr >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "wmt.display.pwm" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get wmt.display.pwm >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "wmt.vt160x.bat" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get wmt.vt160x.bat >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
echo "Touchcodec:" >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;
wmtenv get touchcodec >>/LocalDisk/ubootnfo.txt;

NOTE: Not all values will have output! That's OK :)

Also WMT provides a script for this!


# Display all boot settings in 'one-line' style
# for internal debug purpose.
# Written by Vincent Chen <>

for f in `find $1 -name "uboot_env_*" | sort`
  printf "\$cat $f\n\n"
  cat $f |tr '\n' '~'|sed 's/\\\~//g'|tr '~' '\n'|\
      sed 's/  //g'|sed '/^$/d'

HowTo install / flash the ROM UBROID WM8650

NOTE: Before installing the ROM on a unknown tablet we recommend using this backup tool by Dia Betu:
UberoidTool: Installing Uberoid was never this easy! [DOWNLOAD]
or read the manual instructions here: Backup settings / env_uboot before flash

1. Extract archive to your local PC in a temporary location
2. Try to identify your tablet model (M009s/M003s/M012s/etc.)
3. Run CHANGER.BAT from your this temporary directory and see what models there are
4. Put in the number of your model and press <enter>
5. CHANGER will ask you to copy to SD, press "Y" <enter>
6. Enter the drive letter of your SD as listed on the SDTOOL that is now on the screen
7. Turn off your tablet
8. Insert SD
9. Turn on your tablet
10. Follow on screen instructions
11. Enjoy a better tablet


1. Extract archive to SD CARD (so a directory SD:\FirmwareInstall is present and the 
    file wmt_scriptcmd in the sd root)
2. Try to identify your tablet model (M009s/M003s/M012s/etc.)
3. Run CHANGER.BAT from your SD root and see what models there are
4. Put in the number of your model and press <enter>
5. Turn off your tablet
6. Insert SD
7. Turn on your tablet
8. Follow instruction
9. Enjoy a better tablet

Universal Uberoid WM8650 1.5.5 HoneyCombMOD v11 BETA3 26-DEC-2011 NEW!

Universal Uberoid WM8650 1.5.5 HoneyCombMOD v11 BETA3

Universal WM8650 Uberoid    |  Universal WM8650 Uberoid v11 runs on 143 models of VIA/WM 8650 chip based  | tablets. This includes tablets that have a sim card / phone function and  | about all different screen sizes from 5" to 10.2". The firmware is rooted | and equipped with a lot of boosts as usual, improving your chinese tablet | a lot in performance, but also in usability. Enjoy this nice firmware mod |    
Warning, flashing improperly could brick your device!       

Universal WM8650 Uberoid v11:

Uberoid is a modded 1.5.5 firmware with 1.5.5 Green and Blue kernels with loaders from 1.3.1. In general, Uberoid is a highly optimized ROM for WM8650 tablets that is easy to modify: Run CHANGER.BAT on a Windows PC to setup and / or personalize the ROM. Type "X" <enter> in CHANGER to see all XTRA commands. In Linux/Android, you can run CHANGER.SH to setup the model for your ROM, other CHANGER functions will be
added in later versions.

You can run CHANGER to:
    * select your model (changes ROM config according to you model) * copy Uberoid to SD (type in CHANGER "SD" <enter>, or anwer "y" after CHANGER has set a model, it will ask you to copy to SD.) * Format a SD properly and copy Uberoid to it (type in CHANGER "SDFORMAT" <enter>, or anwer "y" after CHANGER has received "n" to the COPY question, it will ask you if you want to format and copy to SD.) * Create a LiTE version, in CHANGER you type "LiTE", this makes 40.5MB free in the ROM. It removes these components:
      -extra apps -flash and -all the honeycombmods.
    * Type "UNLITE" <enter> in CHANGER to get the extra apps back. * Change the font/lang to Arabic (type in CHANGER "AR" <enter>) * Change the font/lang to Thai (type in CHANGER "TH" <enter>) * Change the font/lang to Turkish (type in CHANGER "TR" <enter>) * Enable/disable phone support by executing "PHONE" <enter> * Add rt3070v2 support by typing "RT3070" <enter> (type "UNRT3070" to undo) Use this option when you have no wlan, you can use this with every option * You can mix language / region settings very easy, type "LOC" <enter> in the CHANGER for more info and settings.
Main features:

    * Live Wallpaper Support * HoneyComb styled launcher, framework and icons * Extreme WM8650 compatibility (80 models +!) * Run CHANGER to make the ROM compatible with your device using Windows * Customizable ROM, make it more LITE for example, type X to see all options * 100% Rooted * Audio Boosted * RAM Boosted * Updated BusyBox to 1.19 * Memory cleaning boosted * Memory read/write boosted * Lite version, stripped away many apps * Tries to support as many languages as possible * Real working Google Market
Changelog: v11 Beta3

    * removed 512MB support and 512MB tablet models * fixed option 18 (Thanks to Virtual_Nobody) * updated uberoid phone support * added new model 58=Sungale_Cyberus_ID702WTA_722 7" * added new model 58=Polaroid M800 7" * added new model 59=M009G 7" * added new model 60=MyMIDPAD M706 7" * added new model 61=MyMIDPAD M709 7" * added new model 62=MyMIDPAD M806 8" * added new model 63=TOMTOP C1212 7" * added new model 64=USB-TEK M7001 7" * added new model 65=ZX07d 155 1603 7" * added new model 66=ZX07d 155 1609 7"
Changelog: v11 Beta2

    * Updated Google Market to 3.4.4 * Leeh33's RAM fix, 12MB more RAM! * updated youtube * fixed battery meter for option 7 * added Passion Quick Office * added Total Commander * made a more tight Lite package, Lite is now another 33MB smaller in disksize! * added Leeh33's build.prop * added Leeh33's default.prop * added Leeh33's tts (text to speech) support * fixed up the changer * fixed the COMPATIBILITYLIST * changed E10 kernel to Blue again * updated phone support (thanks aitrack!) * ril.power.on activated in phone support (thanks to tester momomimi) * changed e10 option to exclude sound boost default * added new model 55=M003S (vt1609ts) 8" * added new model 56=eMatic eGlide2 7" * added new model 56=M731GA 7" * added new model 57=M731GF 7" * added new model 58=DCPAD1453E153 512MB * added new model 59=Netpad11 512MB * added xtra modules (XTRAMODS in the CHANGER) * added new model 43=SV28B 8" * added new model 44=M788P 153 7" Phone * added new model 44=wms8153_7inch_2g 7" * added new model 45=Szstzl 7A-1 7" * added new model 46=Szstzl 7A 7" * added new model 47=jinghan_10inch_lvds1603_wifibtn 10" * added new model 48=M013S_VT1603 10.1" * added new model 48=puzhi_10.1inch_vt1603_0308 10.1" * added new model 49=M013S_VT1609 10.1" * added new model 49=puzhi_10.1inch_vt1609_ts_0308 10.1" * added new model 50=Szstzl SV27D 151 7" * added new model 50=wms8153_7inch 7" * added new model 51=Portablet 4.3" * added new model 52=m008s_vt1603_151 9.7" * added new model 53=m008s_vt1603_155 9.7" * added new model 54=EZDY 9.7" * added new kernel for 512MB devices * updated changer / deleted excessive code * added search function in the changer to easily find your model * updated compatibility list * added 512MB support (TEST version! Please give me feedback!) You can now use the changer's new command "RAM512" to enable 512MB RAM support, AFTER you have chosen your model! Make sure you really have 512MB in your device. The options that state they are 512MB do not need this patch. * added option "AUDIO" to the changer to remove the Audio Boost as this boost in some cases causes cracking audio
Uberoid v11 WM8650 Supports 143 models:

    1=MID V7 7" 1=Fview NL Intertoys 7" 1=MID E18 7" 1=M009S Green LED 7" 1=TomTec Tablet 7" 2=M009S Blue LED 7" 2=iBAK-784 7" 2=Polaroid MPC700G 7" 2=Epad GW-70 7" 2=Bluetech PWS700HV 7" 2=MIDV7 Blue LED 7" 2=WinPad-C07 7" 2=Ceavis 7" 3=M003S (vt1603ts) 8" 3=Innovatek MID 8" 4=PC-802 8"            5=BLY-806 8" 5=VIA WM8650 8" 6=M80003W 8" 6=M806B 8" 6=MID M80006 8" 7=Apex 7" 7=BLY-706F v1 7" 7=M706S 7" 7=Kingcom Joypad 72 7" 7=I-INN Kirk M77V 7" 7=APAD (MID) 7002 7" 7=Netbook X6-7V 7=iDea USA IUMID-0071 7" 8=Maylong M-250 7" 8=MID703 7" 8=Netbook WM8650 7"            8=V7 MID 7" 8=ILC PC Tab701 7" 8=KLD-MID701 7" 8=M709W 7" 8=Scipad 7" 8=MID710 7" 8=CE037B 7" 8=Promedia Netbook Kids 7" ** 8=PO7466 7" Netbook ** 8=Imos A702 7" Netbook ** 9=Tabtech 7" 9=M010S 7" 9=FlashTab 7" 9=Xiron 7" 9=TomTec 7" 10=M80003W v1.5.x 8" 10=M012S 8"            11=M70007T 7" 11=ViaPad M7 7" 11=VIA WM8650 7" 11=M768A 7" 11=Leader V70 7" 11=Epad GW-707 7" 12=ATF3416-7 7"        12=NeoPad8650 7" 13=BLY-706F v3 7" 13=NETPAD 11 7" 13=Zixoon Z78 7" 14=E16 5cun1603 5" 15=ED99 8cun1603 8"    15=MID 806 8" 15=M806S 8" 15=L.Ausa W8 8" 15=I-INN SPOCK M87V 8" 15=BLY-806 8" 15=PC-802 DT 8" 15=Kingcom Joypad 81 16=E18 7cun1603 7" 17=ED99 8cun8900 8"    18=Ricatech RATAB 10" 18=TomTec 10" 18=NetBook WM8650 10" 18=Dmedia ATF3417 4G 10" 19=M013s 10" 19=Prixton 1001 10" 20=ePad M009D 7" 20=MID A713 7" 21=ZX07D 7" 22=M008s 9.7" 23=E18_7cun1603DT152 7" 24=E88_97cun1603153 10" 25=IMITO Im7 1.5.1 7" 26=puzhi_7inch_vt1609_ts 7" 27=M01B 1.5.3 7" 27=Pad IMO Tab X3 7" 27=Evang TP-7001 7" 28=TP_puzhi_7inch_vt1609_ts_152 7" 29=M009plus 1.5.1 7" 30=M009SBDT 1.5.3 7" 30=M003F 7" 30=SKU10374 7" 31=M731123 7" 32=SV27C151 7" 33=CEM8650701 7" 34=CEM8650702 7" 35=CEM8650801 8" 36=CEM8650971 9.7" 37=CEM8650972 9.7" 38=E10 7" Phone 39=aPad 2 9.7" 39=J355 9.7" 40=JSA8inch_std_vt1609 8" 41=8inch_vt1603 8" 41=DCPAD1398 8" 41=Atai 8650 8" 42=8inch_vt1609_ts 8" 42=Wintouch C08 8" 42=Winpad C-08 8" 43=SV28B 8" 44=M788P 153 7" Phone 44=wms8153_7inch_2g 7" 45=Szstzl 7A-1 7" 46=Szstzl 7A 7" 47=jinghan_10inch_lvds1603_wifibtn 10" 48=M013S_VT1603 10.1" 48=puzhi_10.1inch_vt1603_0308 10.1" 49=M013S_VT1609 10.1" 49=puzhi_10.1inch_vt1609_ts_0308 10.1" 50=Szstzl SV27D 151 7" 50=wms8153_7inch 7" 51=Portablet 4.3" 52=m008s_vt1603_151 9.7" 53=m008s_vt1603_155 9.7" 54=EZDY 9.7" 54=iPAD 2 9.7" 55=M003S (vt1609ts) 8" 56=eMatic eGlide2 7" 56=M731GA 7" 57=M731GF 7" 58=Sungale_Cyberus_ID702WTA_722 7" 58=Polaroid M800 7" 59=M009G 7" 60=MyMIDPAD M706 7" 60=M706B 7" 61=MyMIDPAD M709 7" 61=M709W 7" 62=MyMIDPAD M806 8" 63=TOMTOP C1212 7" 64=USB-TEK M7001 7" 65=ZX07d 155 1603 7" 66=ZX07d 155 1609 7"


Note: Any feedback on the new options (ALL options after 42 are NEW UNTESTED options, feedback appreciated!)

Note: This version has a few known problems, such as instability at first boot, resolved after a few boots. This should be fixed in the next version.

Note: This is a test version, please provide feedback which option work 100% and which options fail at which point in this topic. All devices marked with * are new/untested but should be fine, but to ensure they are alright I would like the feedback.

Read the FAQ when you are experiencing any problems.

Read here HowTo install / flash the ROM

Universal Uberoid WM8650 1.5.5 HoneyCombMOD v10.1


Uberoid is a modded 1.5.5 firmware with 1.5.5 Green and Blue kernels with loaders from 1.3.1. In general, Uberoid is a highly optimized ROM for WM8650 tablets that is easy to setup:

RUN CHANGER.BAT on a Windows PC to setup and / or personalize the ROM. Type "X" <enter> in CHANGER to see all XTRA commands. In Linux/Android, you can run CHANGER.SH to setup the model for your ROM, other CHANGER functions will be added in later versions.

You can run CHANGER to:
   * select your model (changes ROM config according to you model)
   * copy Uberoid to SD (type in CHANGER "SD" <enter>, or anwer "y" after CHANGER has set a model
   * Format a SD properly and copy Uberoid to it (type in CHANGER "SDFORMAT" <enter>, or anwer "y" after CHANGER has received "n" to the COPY question, it will ask you if you want to format and copy to SD.)
   * Create a LiTE version, in CHANGER you type "LiTE", this makes 9.5MB free in the ROM. It removes these components:
     -extra apps and honeycomb looks
      * Type "UNLITE" <enter> in CHANGER to get the extra apps back.
   * Change the font/lang to Arabic (type in CHANGER "AR" <enter> to copy the arabic support package to the ROM)
   * Change the font/lang to Thai (type in CHANGER "TH" <enter> to copy the thai support package to the ROM)
   * Change the font/lang to Turkish (type in CHANGER "TR" <enter> to copy the turkish support package to the ROM)
   * Enable/disable phone support by executing "PHONE" <enter> or "UNPHONE" to disable (E10 has this default)
   * Add rt3070v2 support by typing "RT3070" <enter> (type "UNRT3070" to undo) Use this option when you have no wlan, you can cross this mod with every option set.
   * You can mix language / region settings very easy, type "LOC" <enter> in the CHANGER for more info and settings.[/list]

Main features:
* Live Wallpaper Support
* HoneyComb styled launcher, framework and icons
* Extreme WM8650 compatibility (80 models +!)
* Run CHANGER to make the ROM compatible with your device using Windows, Linux or even from your tablet!
* Customizable ROM, make it even more LITE for example (see CHANGER 'x' for more info)
* 100% Rooted
* Audio Boosted
* Updated BusyBox to 1.19
* Memory cleaning boosted
* Memory read/write boosted
* Lite version, stripped away many apps
* Tries to support as many languages as possible
* Real working Google Market[/list]

* Fixed Opera problem
* Fixed audio problem
* Fixed some scripts (Thanks Leeh33!!!)
* Changed phone support to native E10 rom apps[/list]

* boosted init.rc by Leeh33!
* fixed a handful of boot errors
* new boot animation
* included Leeh33's init.rc including boosts and a lot of cleanups!
* TED is now the default text handler
* file expert is the default file browser
* meridian player default media player
* opera mini 6.5
* new launcher look
* updated boost scripts
* rebuilt dalvic cache
* modded a new and expanded default.prop
* rebuilt honeycomb mods
* complete new rebuilt on 1.5.5 m009s firmware
* a lot of stock apps back and replaced
* pre installed google voice search
* added all addition android libs
* more options available in settings
* working google voice search
* fix icons: clock, calculator calendar, my browser, my video, camera, settings
* phone support back
* fixed missing icon
* fixed camera and settings problem due new android fs
* enable phone support in changer
* modular phone support package
* disabled auto update of time
* disabled OTA
* messaging support back
* fixed several battery problems
* fixed m003s support
* added HcH's TechKnow RSS app v0.2
* added live wallpaper support
* fixed memory loaders for better performance
* modded boot behaviour[/list]

Now supports these devices:
1=Maylong M-250 7" (Tested by HcH)
1=MID V7 7"
1=Fview NL Intertoys 7"
1=MID E18 7"
1=M009S Green LED 7"
1=TomTec Tablet 7"
2=M009S Blue LED 7" (Tested by HcH thanks to Javielopr)
2=Polaroid MPC700G 7"
2=Epad GW-70 7"
2=MIDV7 Blue LED 7"
2=WinPad-C07 7"
3=M003S 8" (Tested by HcH thanks to WISO66)           
3=Innovatek MID 7"
4=PC-802 8"           
5=BLY-806 8"
5=VIA WM8650 8"
6=M80003W 8" (Thanks for testing Tomb!)         
6=M806B 8"
6=MID M80006 8"
7=Apex 7" (Thanks for testing babak and bonsoir!)           
7=BLY-706F v1 7"
7=M706S 7"
7=Kingcom Joypad 72 7"
8=MID703 7"
8=Netbook WM8650 7"           
8=V7 MID 7"
8=ILC PC Tab701 7"
8=KLD-MID701 7"
8=Scipad 7"
8=MID710 7"
8=CE037B 7"
8=eMatic eGlide2 7"
9=Tabtech 7" (Thanks for testing Nick_1964 and Swel!)
9=M010S 7"
9=FlashTab 7"
9=Xiron 7"
9=TomTec 7"
10=M80003W v1.5.x (Thanks ctwinter!)
10=M012S 8"           
11=M70007T 7" (Thanks for testing nio!)         
11=ViaPad M7 7"
11=VIA WM8650 7"
11=M768A 7"
11=Leader V70 7"
11=Epad GW-707 7"
12=ATF3416-7 7"       
12=NeoPad8650 7" (Thanks Rastarn!)
13=BLY-706F v3 7"
13=NETPAD 11 7"
13=Zixoon Z78 7"
14=E16 5cun1603 5"
15=ED99 8cun1603 8"   
15=MID 806 8"
15=M806S 8"
15=BLY-806 8"
15=PC-802 DT 8" (Thanks for testing!)
15=Kingcom Joypad 81 (Thanks eyeshield21!)
16=E18 7cun1603 7" (Thanks PinoyDroid!)
17=ED99 8cun8900 8"   
18=Ricatech RATAB 10"
18=TomTec 10" (Thanks for VirualNobody!)
18=NetBook WM8650 10" (Thanks PADMAN!)
19=M013s 10"
20=ePad M009D 7"
21=ZX07D 7"
22=M008s 9.7" (Thanks for testing kevmyst!)
23=E18_7cun1603DT152 7"
24=E88_97cun1603153 10"
25=IMITO Im7 1.5.1 7"
26=puzhi_7inch_vt1609_ts 7"
27=M01B 1.5.3 7"
28=TP_puzhi_7inch_vt1609_ts_152 7"
29=M009plus 1.5.1 7"
30=M009SBDT 1.5.3 7" (Thanks to Gary and Kenkho for testing!)
30=SKU10374 7"
31=M731123 7"
32=SV27C151 7"
33=CEM8650701 7"
34=CEM8650702 7" (Thanks for testing Jumpjack!)
35=CEM8650801 8"
36=CEM8650971 9.7"
37=CEM8650972 9.7"
38=E10 7" (Many thanks to Maroenli02 for a lot of testing!)
39=aPad 2 9.7"
39=J355 9.7"
40=JSA8inch_std_vt1609 8"
41=8inch_vt1603 8"
42=8inch_vt1609_ts 8" (Thanks for testing jazzybazz)[/list]

Download:Universal_Uberoid_WM8650_v10.1.7z 104.8MB

FAQ#1: HowTo install the ROM:
1. Extract archive to SD CARD (so a directory SD:\FirmwareInstall is present and the file wmt_scriptcmd in the sd root)
2. Try to identify your tablet model (M009s/M003s/M012s/etc.)
3. Run CHANGER.BAT from your SD root and see what models there are
4. Put in the number of your model and press <enter>
5. Turn off your tablet
6. Insert SD
7. Turn on your tablet
8. Follow instruction
9. Enjoy a better tablet[/list]

FAQ#2: HowTo Fix market cache problem, not all apps (like Google's) can be found:
1. Open the Market and press the home button to return
2. Go to Settings \ Applications \ Manage \ Running
3. Press "Market"
4. Press "Clear cache" (do not clear data)
5. Press "Force stop"
6. Return to "Settings \ Applications \ Manage \ Running"
7. Press "Google Services Framework"
8. Press "Clear Data"
9. Press "Force Stop"
10. Start Google Market, it must give an error
11. Reboot, once back Market should work, if it gives an error it could need another minute to work
12. Test the access, search Skype on the market, it should return 400+ results including the original Skype and google's apps like maps / streetview / docs and skype[/list]

FAQ#3: Uberoid keeps flashing, the tablet does not boot to Android:
* Then you must try another model, this problem occurs for example when you use a green led script for a blue led device

Note: Any feedback on the new options (ALL options after 42 are NEW UNTESTED options, feedback appreciated!)

Note: This version has a few known problems, such as instability at first boot, resolved after a few boots. This should be fixed in the next version.

Note: This is a test version, please provide feedback which option work 100% and which options fail at which point in this topic. All devices marked with * are new/untested but should be fine, but to ensure they are alright I would like the feedback.

Read the FAQ when you are experiencing any problems.

Read here HowTo install / flash the ROM